Dieses ist die Übersetzung des Rennberichts, der bereits auf der Homepage des MC Pirate veröffentlicht wurde.
It has always been a very personal thing, no doubt about
that. Some love famous and glamorous events with a fas course and legions of
spectators who keep pushing the athletes, providing a Tour-de-France-like
feeling. Thrilling in a way, certainly. Some others prefer those smaller races,
not necessairily lesser, Norseman for example has in the meantime become as
prestigeous as the „big ones“.
Then, furthermore, you can find these tiny ones, huge by
demands. One of those is Oppland Extreme Triathlon in Norway, this year held as
a test-race on the last Saturday of June.
With only 19 athletes competing, race numbers are
lovingly personalized…

Task for the day:
Swimming 3.8 km in Randsfjord, Norways fourth-largest lake, a 200km
bike-journey with an elevation of 2500m across the Valdreflya plateau and
finally a marathon from the Sjoa valley into Rondane National Park with only
another 1000m of elevation. Quite a bit, all this, even though the swim was
shortened to 1.8 km due to a water temperature of 11°.
Early morning, 3:30h: Dwarf-march into the big dark forest, off to the swim start
4:00h: Off they go! All 19 of them.
1.8 km later they come back, one by one this time…
The bike course starts off quite pleasant with some hills
through early-morningly woods. After 40km though, a long uphill begins…
After about 100km the course passes the timberline, without any warning the landscape changes dramaticly. The temperature has dropoped to 4° and there are walls of snow on either side oft he road. Quite an unreal atmosphere…

Out of T2, I stagger down the road to Otta, which works
out quite well fort he first 7 km. Later my feet begin to ache, due to my old well-known
orthopedic malfunctions which have always been my key limiter for the run.
High-arch-splayfeet, so there you are… Well, after hours of marching, I finally
reach Otta, the regions main city. From
here the road goes up again, up and further up, through a forest, alongside a
little river, coud be a lovely hike. Well it isn´t, it still is race, though. Meanwhile the temperature has
risen to 25° and the afternoon has become really exhausting.
Later we step out of the forest and enter a cabin estate,
then the path takes a turn tot he right and we stand still like thunder-struck.
The scenery that appeared without any warning is one of those pictures you see for
the rest of your life, whenever you close your eyes: a treeless plain, reaching
to the horizon, where the snow-covered peaks of Rondane National Park rise up
to more than 2000m.

Second problem: the National Park boundary lies 6km
before the finish-line, no cars are allowed beyond that point. This means, that
Susanne, who has supported me all day, has to park our support vehicle and
march along with me. In addition to that, like everyone we have to carry all
our belongings that we may need until the next day, in our backpacks, because
the finish is located at Rondvassbu, a lodge which is run by DNT, the Norwegian
Trecking Association.
Everyone, in this case, means really everyone, even the
organizeing crew. So, we happen to find ourselves in a little trek for
Rondvassbu, a jolly bunch with me being the only one still in race mode. Well,
this doesn´t matter at all at this point, race timing is done by time of day,
the race is supposed to be something like a race without racing. Split times
have been reported to the transition zone log book by the support crews: „Daniel
left T2 at 14:00“
21:30h: Close to the finish-line at Rondvassbu. Awaited and cheered by all fellow-athletes and crewmembers. One of the most emotional finishes I can remember.
Done it, at last! Under full armour… Race-time 17:30 hours.
Late at night, at about 00:15h, the last finisher
approaches. Again, everyone is outside to welcome him, the sun has not yet gone
On the next day, no award ceremony is held but a
finisher-shirt-handover-meeting. OK, there were awards given, to the first and
the last athlete!
Athletes, support and crew have merged to one big family.
Never have I experienced a relaxed, regardful and
friendly atmosphere like this. I am really curious about what the future will
bring for this wonderful race. The course is beyond compare, I am sure that we
witnessed the birth of a classic. I heard that there is cautious planning in
progress. Maybe we will see another edition next years, probably with some more
competitors and very likely with a German crewmember who has done this year´s
race as the only international guest…
We highly recommend keeping an eye on Oppland Extreme
Not to forget:
Thanks to Karen Nybakke for letting me use some of her wonderful pics!
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