Sonntag, 16. August 2015

Oppland Extreme Triathlon – A race report

Dieses ist die Übersetzung des Rennberichts, der bereits auf der Homepage des MC Pirate veröffentlicht wurde.

Oppland Extreme Triathlon – testing a future classic

It has always been a very personal thing, no doubt about that. Some love famous and glamorous events with a fas course and legions of spectators who keep pushing the athletes, providing a Tour-de-France-like feeling. Thrilling in a way, certainly. Some others prefer those smaller races, not necessairily lesser, Norseman for example has in the meantime become as prestigeous as the „big ones“.

Then, furthermore, you can find these tiny ones, huge by demands. One of those is Oppland Extreme Triathlon in Norway, this year held as a test-race on the last Saturday of June.

With only 19 athletes competing, race numbers are lovingly personalized…

Task for the day:  Swimming 3.8 km in Randsfjord, Norways fourth-largest lake, a 200km bike-journey with an elevation of 2500m across the Valdreflya plateau and finally a marathon from the Sjoa valley into Rondane National Park with only another 1000m of elevation. Quite a bit, all this, even though the swim was shortened to 1.8 km due to a water temperature of 11°.


Early morning, 3:30h: Dwarf-march into the big dark forest, off to the swim start  

4:00h: Off they go! All 19 of them.

1.8 km later they come back, one by one this time…

The bike course starts off quite pleasant with some hills through early-morningly woods. After 40km though, a long uphill begins

After about 100km the course passes the timberline, without any warning the landscape changes dramaticly. The temperature has dropoped to 4° and there are walls of snow on either side oft he road. Quite an unreal atmosphere…

At km 140, the highest point of elevation, 1389m, is finally reached, from this point the course descends more or less steadily into the Sjoa valley (the „less steadily“ bits  really hurt at this point oft he race…). The majestic river is sure something to look at, so the last bit is at least mentally entertaining, while the body hurts since quite a while…  

Out of T2, I stagger down the road to Otta, which works out quite well fort he first 7 km. Later my feet begin to ache, due to my old well-known orthopedic malfunctions which have always been my key limiter for the run. High-arch-splayfeet, so there you are… Well, after hours of marching, I finally reach  Otta, the regions main city. From here the road goes up again, up and further up, through a forest, alongside a little river, coud be a lovely hike. Well it isn´t, it still is  race, though. Meanwhile the temperature has risen to 25° and the afternoon has become really exhausting.

Later we step out of the forest and enter a cabin estate, then the path takes a turn tot he right and we stand still like thunder-struck. The scenery that appeared without any warning is one of those pictures you see for the rest of your life, whenever you close your eyes: a treeless plain, reaching to the horizon, where the snow-covered peaks of Rondane National Park rise up to more than 2000m.

Nasty detail: That´s where the finish-line is, somewhere out there among the mountains, still 10km to go.  

Second problem: the National Park boundary lies 6km before the finish-line, no cars are allowed beyond that point. This means, that Susanne, who has supported me all day, has to park our support vehicle and march along with me. In addition to that, like everyone we have to carry all our belongings that we may need until the next day, in our backpacks, because the finish is located at Rondvassbu, a lodge which is run by DNT, the Norwegian Trecking Association.

Everyone, in this case, means really everyone, even the organizeing crew. So, we happen to find ourselves in a little trek for Rondvassbu, a jolly bunch with me being the only one still in race mode. Well, this doesn´t matter at all at this point, race timing is done by time of day, the race is supposed to be something like a race without racing. Split times have been reported to the transition zone log book by the support crews: „Daniel left T2 at 14:00“

21:30h: Close to the finish-line at Rondvassbu. Awaited and cheered by all fellow-athletes and crewmembers. One of the most emotional finishes I can remember.

Done it, at last! Under full armour… Race-time 17:30 hours.

Late at night, at about 00:15h, the last finisher approaches. Again, everyone is outside to welcome him, the sun has not yet gone down.

On the next day, no award ceremony is held but a finisher-shirt-handover-meeting. OK, there were awards given, to the first and the last athlete!

Athletes, support and crew have merged to one big family.

Never have I experienced a relaxed, regardful and friendly atmosphere like this. I am really curious about what the future will bring for this wonderful race. The course is beyond compare, I am sure that we witnessed the birth of a classic. I heard that there is cautious planning in progress. Maybe we will see another edition next years, probably with some more competitors and very likely with a German crewmember who has done this year´s race as the only international guest…

We highly recommend keeping an eye on Oppland Extreme Triathlon!

Not to forget:
Thanks to Karen Nybakke for letting me use some of her wonderful pics!

Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2015

Going Up The Country. Der Innere Soundtrack 1/2015

Tempus fugit. Keine 3 Wochen mehr bis zum Start des Oppland Extreme Triathlon und ich habe den Inneren Soundtrack noch nicht zum Besten gegeben. Das geht nicht, nicht im 11. Jahr und auf der mittlerweile dritten Plattform. Erklärungen spare ich mir, dafür ist keine Zeit.
Für die, die ihn noch nicht kennen: Der Innere Soundtrack ist eine simple klassische Konditionierungsgeschichte. Eine bestimmte Musikzusammenstellung, die in der Vorbereitung immer und immer wieder beim Training läuft. Wenn es im Wettkampf hart wird, ruft man den Soundtrack im Kopf ab und verfällt, Pavlov sei Dank,  in lockeren Trainingstrott. Hilft manchmal...  Aber nun los:

The Inner Soundtrack 1/2015

Tempus fugit. Less than 3 weeks up to the start of Oppland Extreme Triathlon and I have not yet revealed this season´s Inner Soundtrack. 
For those who do not yet know it: The Inner Soundtrack is a simple kind of Pavlovian conditioning. A special blend of music, taken out on your training workouts over and over again. When things get tough during the race, you can recall the Soundtrack and feel like doing an easy long jog in the woods of home. Here are some previous examples. But off we go now:

Es geht nicht ohne Herrn Edwards. Auch nicht dieses Jahr. 
There is no way getting along without David Eugene Edwards. Hasn´t been there before and will not be this year.

Nie zuvor war der Soundtrack persönlicher als dieses Jahr. Erstes Beispiel: Unsere Freunde von Salvation Amp aus Detmold. Wir, das soll heißen, No Heart Country, meine eigene Band. Wir hatten eine schicksalhafte Begegnung im November 2013 und ja, Christ-Ian, was wir derzeit sind, verdanken wir nicht wenig euch. Ich hätte einen Song des großartigen neuen Albums nehmen können, aber da war "Salvation" schon unrettbar in meinem Kopf.
The Inner Soundtrack has never before been as personal as this year. First example: Our friends Salvation Amp from Detmold, Germany. Us, that means in this case No Heart Country, my own band. We met in November 2013 and yes, Christ-Ian, a part of whatever we are now is due to you. I could have picked a song out of their marvelous new Album, but at that time "Salvation" had already crept into my head.

MARK LANEGAN: Harvest Home
Das hier könnte der neue Lieblingssong des Jahres werden. Ist es vielleicht schon. Country coolness, Mark Lanegan eben.
This one could become this year´s favourite. Maybe it is already. Mark-Lanegan-ish country coolness.

Auch die Wege der Golden Apes kreuzten die unseren in jenem November 2013, Peer Lebrecht gab uns erstmals das Gefühl, wahrgenommen worden zu sein. Danke dafür und noch viel mehr!
It was the Golden Apes as well, whose path crossed ours in 2013. Peer Lebrecht was the the first to give us a feeling of having been perceived. Thank you for that and a lot more.
Wieder einmal ist es mir ein Rätsel, wie mir diese Band so lange unentdeckt bleiben konnte.
And once more I have no idea how this band could remain unreached by my perception.

WALL OF VOODOO: Mexican Radio
Lieblingslied aus lange vergangener Zeit. Wall Of Voodoo im PC69 in Bielefeld. Konzert des Jahres, da schon mit Andy Prieboy. Ich habe Stan Ridgeway nach dem inhaltlich unerträglichen "Camouflage" aber sowieso die Gefolgschaft gekündigt.
Forgotten favourite from ancient times. I remember Wall Of Voodoo at the PC69`s in Bielefeld. Concert of the Year, although Stan Ridgeway had been replaced by Andy Prieboy. Anyway, I quitted being a Stan Ridgeway fan after the unbearable "Camouflage".

THE GUN CLUB: Carry Home
Jeffrey Lee Pierce hat mir, wie später David Eugene Edwards völlig neue musikalische Horizonte eröffnet. Nebenbei habe ich gelernt, dass man kein guter Sänger sein muss, um grandiose Musik zu machen...
Jeffrey Lee Pierce opened new musical dimensions to me, like in the later years David Eugene Edwards did. And he taught me that you don not need to be a good singer to perform great music...

BABY IN VAIN: Corny #1
Unglaublich. Das sind kleine dänische Mädchen. Wär ich nie drauf gekommen. Großes Blues-Noise-Rock-Kino.
Couldn´t believe my search engine when I found out that this band was some little girls from Denmark. Great Blues-Noise-Rock-Something.

BAUHAUS: She´s In Parties
Später, viele Jahre später, zeigt sich erst, wie zeitlos so manche Schätze der Vergangenheit sind.
As a matter of fact, it takes years to notice that time can do no harm to some gems of the past.

DAVE KUSWORTH: Shame For The Angels
Was für ein grandios-simples Geschrammel, einer der besten Songanfänge, die ich kenne und einfach alles. Auch für diese Inspiration danke, Christ-Ian.
What a simple and yet great strumming, one of the best beginnings in music history and, well, everything... Thanks for that Inspiration as well, Christ-Ian.

ROCKY VOTOLATO: White Knuckles
Rastlos treibendes Singer-Songwriter-Prachtstück. Und auch wenn das wohl keiner hören möchte, ein hervorragendes Lauftempo...
Setting a restless pace to a singer-songwriter-sound. Love that. And by the way, a very good pacemaker on a running workout.

Auch hiervon hatte ich vorher nie etwas gehört. Gerade rechtzeitig hat mich ein ungenannter Gönner darauf gestoßen.
Another Artist that I have never before heard of. An unnamed favorer gave me a hint. Thanks Mart!

Dave Kusworth wieder. Verschroben rotzig und doch unglaublich poppig. Wie die das immer machen...
Dave Kusworth again. Rough and filthy and still a genuine Pop Song. Wonder how they do that...

Ich hätte auch "Israel" nehmen können, aber "Dear Prudence" hat letztlich das Rennen gemacht.
I could have Chosen "Israel" as well but in the end "Dear Prudence" made it.

Man möchte an die Wiedergeburt glauben und Hüsker Dü wären zurück. Möglich, sie wären dann in die Körper einer deutschen Band aus Tübingen gefahren. Erstaunlich irgendwie.
You might as well believe Hüsker Dü were reborn into the bodies of a German band from Tübingen. Weird idea...

Das hier ist für alle, die Mando Diao vermissen, seit die von Aliens entführt und ausgetauscht wurden.
This one is for all those who miss Mando Diao since they have been kidnapped and replaced by aliens.

MINDSLIDE: Slowdiving
Unsere Freunde von Mindslide. Von allen deren tollen Songs liebe ich diesen am meisten.
Mindslide, another local band that we call our friends (if they like it or not...). Among all of their marvellous songs this is the one I love most.

MARK LANEGAN: Burning Jacob´s Ladder
Nochmal Mark Lanegan, dieses Mal deutlich weniger fröhlich als vorher.
Mark Lanegan again, considerably less jolly than before.

THE ARCTIC MONKEYS: Crying Lightning
Wir unterbrechen unser Programm für ein wenig Popmusik. Wir wollen ja dem Support auch etwas bieten...
We Interrupt our program and will be right back after a short break, filled with Pop Music. We do not want to bore støtteapparaten...

WOVENHAND: Not One Stone (acoustic)
Wir enden wo wir begonnen haben. Mit dem großen David Eugene Edwards und der akustischen Version von "Not One Stone". Ich weiß mittlerweile gar nicht mehr, welche Version ich besser finde.
We finish where we started. David Eugene Edwards Plays this acoustic version of "Not One Stone". Meanwhile, I am no longer sure which version I like most.

Nun ist es also vollbracht, ich kann mich wieder den letzten Trainingstagen zuwenden. Mögen die Spiele beginnen!
Now it is done! I will get back to training and focus on the last few weeks up to race day. So let the games begin!

Montag, 2. Februar 2015

Vorwärts! Und fürchtet keine Dunkelheit!

Alles muss neu. So geht es nicht.

Die bisherige Strategie, in Ironman-Jahren wie wild zu trainieren, um im Juli oder August den gewählten Wettkampf annähernd würdevoll über die Bühne zu bringen, danach aber wieder ins alltagsbestimmte Null-Training-Loch zu fallen, funktioniert nicht mehr. Hat sie eigentlich nie, zumindest nicht im Sinne einer im weitesten Sinne stabilen und gesunden Lifetime-Fitness. Der Abbau in den Alltagsphasen mit Überstunden und Stress ist verheerend. Am schlimmsten sind die "faulen", die Zwischen-Ironman-Jahre, die mangels großer Vision keine echte Trainingsquälerei zulassen. Vor Jahren schon formulierte Monkeybrother Andi K., ins Schwarze treffend: "Es ist faszinierend, zu sehen, wie man den Körper aufbauen kann, aber auch wie schnell er wieder komplett verfallen kann."  Das ist also der Ausgangspunkt. Die zweite Hälfte des Satzes...

Es wird aber auch immer schwerer, sich mit Visionen von wirksamem Kaliber zu versorgen. Hawaii ist seit 11 Jahren abgehakt, vom Norseman werde ich mangels Losglück Jahr um Jahr schroff zurück gewiesen, mittlerweile sind mir die glücklichen Fügungen, doch noch einen Platz auf der berühmten Fähre im Hardangerfjord zu ergattern, leider ausgegangen.

Wohin also? Quo f***ing vadis, Wettkampfmotivation?
Es gibt genug gelackte Hochglanzrennen, keins will mich auch nur irgendwie ansprechen. Ein hartes, einsames, abenteuerliches, grausames und wunderschönes Rennen, am liebsten in Skandinavien, hat noch jemand so etwas zu bieten?

Und siehe: ja, es gibt solch einen Wettkampf. Das heißt, es soll ihn geben, wenn der Test dieses Jahr erfolgreich verläuft. Und eigentlich soll es auch kein Wettkampf sein, sondern ein gemeinschaftliches Abenteuer im Triathlonformat. Eine Reise vom Randsfjord, viertgrößter Binnensee Norwegens, nach Norden, entlang der Bergriesenwelt Jotunheimen bis in den Rondane Nationalpark, mitten ins Nichts. Oppland Extreme Triathlon soll das Abenteuer heißen, Ende Juni mit nur 27 Teilnehmern stattfinden und, was mir persönlich am besten daran gefällt, ich darf einer der 27 sein, die diese Pioniertat Wirklichkeit werden lassen! 

Es gilt nun also. Ausreden zählen nicht mehr, das inaktive letzte Jahr hat üppigen Tribut gefordert: 10 kg zu schwer, die alten Rückenprobleme, die Aktivitätsbereitschaft eines Hobbits - wo ist der Reset-Knopf? Vorwärts also, und keine Dunkelheit gefürchtet. Es ist schon jetzt nicht mehr viel Zeit bis zum 27. Juni...

Forth! And fear no darkness!

Back to start and all things new. That´s what it takes.

The usual strategy of training like a madman up to July or August just to finish the chosen race in some kind of dignity and then stepping right into the zero-training-trap due to work and everyday-life doesn't work anymore. To be honest, it never did, not in a sense of a healthy and solid kind of lifetime fitness. Physical decline throughout phases of overtime work and stress has always been devastating. The greatest danger in that way are those "lazy" years, those Non-Ironman seasons, allowing no real self-torture training simply due to a lack of great visions. Years ago, Monkeybrother Andi K. has put it aptly saying: "It's fascinating to see how you can build up your body, but also how quickly you can run it into complete decay" So, this is where we stand, right here in front the second half of that sentence...

It feels like it is getting more and more difficult to gather visions of the required size and weight. Hawaii has been written to the „Done“-list 11 years ago, Norseman rejects my entry year after year due to a lack of fortune and meanwhile I ran out of those lucky coincidents that lead me up to the famous ferry out on the Hardangerfjord three wonderful times.

So what to do? Quo f***ing vadis, race-motivation?

There is certainly no lack of shiny high-glossy races, none of those manages to attract me. A hard, lonely, adventurous, cruel and beautiful race, preferably in Scandinavia. Any offers out there?

Behold, YES, there IS a race like that. Well, that is there will be a race like that, provided that this year´s test should turn out to be successful. And actually it is not supposed to be a race, but a collective triathlon-shaped adventure. A journey from the banks of Randsfjord, Norway´s fourth largest lake, northward along the mountain scenery of Jotunheimen, ending up in Rondane National Park, right in the middle of nowhere. Oppland Extreme Triathlon ist the name of this adventure, which will take place end of June with only 27 participants and, what I like best about it, I will have the honour of being one of those 27 pioneers!

So this is where it begins. Excuses will no longer apply, the inactive last year took its toll: 10 kg overweight, the old back problems, a hobbit´s activity level. Where is the reset button? Forth! And fear no darkness! There is not much time until June 27...