Samstag, 2. September 2017

All this in Wonderland - Lofoten Triathlon Extreme, 2017/08/19

Dieses ist die Übersetzung des Rennberichts, der bereits auf der Homepage des MC Pirate veröffentlicht wurde.

The biggest limiter is not the body; it's the mind“ (Joe Friel)
„Meine Herren, jetzt wird es pychologisch“ („Das Boot“, D, 1981)

The night before the race. I have a dream. About the race, of course. Lofoten Triathlon Extreme (4km / 196km / 45km). All is well: the swim was cold, very cold, only 14 ° C, but fast. 4,400 m in 1:37 h, excellent time for me. Navigation in the harbor of Svolvær has worked out quite fine, there were no problems at all. Now I ride my bike, enjoying the incredible scenery of Lofoten. The road is steadily leading up and down, like the Hawaiian ´rolling hills´, my ride is smooth and yet powerful. Fortunately, there is only slight wind, just 4 m/s. Up to Leknes, at 80km, I can keep a 30k pace. Ah, if things could be like this tomorrow... But WAIT, something is wrong. I can´t wake up, I should already be on my way to the start…STOP! I'm not dreaming. The night is long gone and has given way to race-morning. And everything, yes, everything is true!

It is true that the swim lead to a new personal record. True, that first transition had not become a clumsy mess like it was at Norseman but despite cold and numb hands done in just about 9 minutes.

Cheerful after the swim, fan-club hurrying ahead

Cycling really IS fantastic, everything works out just as it should do. How can this be? My training has hardly reached any reasonable extent, with completely unspectacular contents. All year I have been creeping along at an average speed of some 25k. Only the last weekend prior to the race I managed to keep a pace beyond 27 over 120km. Can this be the reason for something like real self-confidence? Never had that in a race before…

Well, euphoria does not last over all 196km, things have slightly become really exhausting. The wind freshens up and rolling hills turn into real climbs. Anyway, no race in my life has ever offered a scenery like this! My Garmin has counted about 7 hours when I roll back into the transition zone in the heart of Svolvaer. Almost at a 28k pace, one hour ahead of the 10h cut-off.

What happens now would probably be described as a key stage in a professional high-gloss race analysis. To me, it is just the moment of truth. Nothing more and, most of all, nothing less. There is another cut-off, set at the 25km checkpoint, which means that those, who will arrive here later than 12:30h race-time, will not be allowed the road and leads out into the wild, crossing 2 mountains with a plateau in between and, not enough, a second cut-off at 36km. Be there later than 16 hours, which is 22:00h, and you´re out as well.

So, this is what drives me forward. I try to continuously control my pace, constantly calculating possible splits and scenarios. Suddenly, things have become really psychological… Pace has gone up from 6:00 to 7:00 min/km, buffer time starts melting down to a dangerous size. I have no idea, how long I can continue at this pace, so, against all habits, I try to keep myself from walking. And behold,
for the first time in I don´t know how many years, I manage to run all the 25 km. Meanwhile it hurts, but thank God the Norwegian service station supplies, like potato chips, salted nuts and bananas, are quite unusual to me but exactly what I need right now. Finally (well, for now…), I reach the first checkpoint at 12 hours race time, half an hour ahead of the cut-off.

Up to this point, I had been very successful in suppressing any thought about the last section of the course, those 20 kilometers. Two mountains, one of them with a height of almost 600m, the other Tjeldbergtinden, with 367m, between them a plateau and a descent. It turns out to be a right decision, not to care about it, because reality is beyond all imagination. After I picked up my backpack with the required safety equipment, I suddenly find myself in the middle of a trackless jungle, trying to follow a deep muddy track which, I suppose, is meant to be a race course. One endless ascent later, a pathless plateau waits to be traversed. A unique scenic experience, a little disturbing, though, with the second cut-off on one´s back. I have not the slightest idea of what more awaits me out there. A lake, for example, with a steep cliff over which the track winds along, really scaring me. Looks really dangerous after racing for meanwhile over 14 hour. On the other hand, the water is so clean that I can refill my bottles straight from the lake. Going on and on like this, I loose any sense of time and space, my Forerunner´s battery has quit service at 33 km. I rely on my faith that I am going fast enough, just without knowing, where…

To keep it short and simple: yes, it was fast enough. At 21:30h I reach the final checkpoint, again half an hour before cut-off, right in time to be allowed to complete the final 9 km over the Tjeldbergtinden. Although not as high as the first ascent, this part of the track seems not at all any easier to me. It is cold and getting dark. Ascending towards the last summit, I have to turn on my torch. Nevertheless, the orientation remains difficult, the road is narrow and difficult to follow in the cone of light. In the distance, deep below, I can see the lights of Svolvær. Another awesome postcard-view that makes me want to stop and watch. I have to confine myself to taking just a few pictures, so that someone will believe me afterwards…

The last descent turns out to be more adventurous than everything before, pathless, secured with nothing but a rope but I also overcome this las obstacle. In the end, I find myself running through the night, along the road back into Svolvaer, which is beautifully lit with candles along the track. After 17:48 h, at 12 to 12, I cross the finish-line on Svolvaer´s main square, under a typical lofotian fish-rack. I made it to rank 29 of 40, all those behind me had to give up or didn´t make the cut-off. So I am the last finisher, but I am cheered like I had won. Luckily, I wasn´t second last...

“It wasn´t easy / but nothing is” (Blur, Song #2)

Lofoten Triathlon Extreme is now history. To me, it was not only the most beautiful and impressive but also in terms of my own performance the best competition, I have ever done. The scenery is simply indescribably beautiful, the organizing team is enthusiastic, into it with heart and soul and thoroughly likeable. For myself, the race was a lesson in mental stability. Not once did I loose confidence and control, in my opinion of the key to perseverance. I couldn't be more pleased, for the first time I have succeeded in not letting external conditions taking over control at any stage of the race.

In the end, it all eventually had become a dream.



The pictures are made by myself, by Susanne Flöttmann and Volker Strobel. Thanks to Volker for permission to use it!

Race website:

Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017

LX317 minus 38: NORTH OF COMFORT - Der Innere Soundtrack 1/2017

Das erste Mal seit der Erfindung des Inneren Soundtracks fällt mir nichts ein. Schreibblockade. Oha.
Na gut. Ich geh mal raus. Trainieren. Mit Musik...

 For the first time still I introduced The Inner Soundtrack, I do not know what to write. Is thst what they call a writer´s block? Uh. But ok. I´ll get out of here. And train to the music...

WOVENHAND: The Hired Hand  
DIE NERVEN: Barfuß durch die Scherben          
Nive & The Deer Children:  Tulugaq
Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds: City of Refuge            
The Gun Club: Moonlight Motel           
Wipers: No One Wants an Alien            
Sisters Of Mercy: Heartland             
Depeche Mode: So Much Love              
Lana Del Rey: National Anthem
Editors: Formaldehyde               
The Clash: London Calling                    
Bush: Everything Zen
Everlast: Stone In My Hand     
Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros: Get Down Moses
Mark Lanegan: Like Little Willie John            
Wovenhand: Not One Stone     

Here it is. See you in Svolvaer!

Freitag, 30. Juni 2017

LX317 minus 50: NUMB3RS - what it´s all about

Es muss jetzt sein und es wird besonders. Geht nicht anders, die Zahlen sagen es so. Wie Norseman 2013. Reine Zahlenmystik. Beweis gefällig?
Meine erste Ironman Distanz in Kalmar war 1997
Genau 10 Jahre später, 2007, dritter Start in Kalmar (allein schon!), erstes Rennen mit Totenkopf für Team Pirate.
2017. Na, klingelt´s? Langdistanz *check*, Skandinavien *check*, Pirate *check*, WAS BESONDERES... Noch Fragen?
Schon alleine deshalb wäre weder (noch) ein Ruhejahr gegangen, noch ein vierter Norseman oder ein zweiter OXTRI. Letzteres kann noch kommen, Ersteres hat sich irgendwie dauerhaft erledigt.

Also, es sind noch genau 50 Tage bis zum Tag LX317 - Lofoten Extreme Triathlon 2017. Sieben Wochen Konzentration und Überwindung. Der Innere Soundtrack steht, ist aber noch nicht veröffentlicht. Muss auch noch. Anstrengende Zeiten, der Weg ist aber nun abgesteckt. Wer mitgehen will, hier geht´s lang.

It has to be now and it will be very special, once again. There´s no other way, the numbers say so. Like Norseman 2013. Pure number mysticism. Need proof?
Did my first iron-distance race, in Kalmar, Sweden, 1997.
Exactly 10 years later, my third (third!) start in Kalmar, first race for Team Pirate.
2017. Got a clue now? Iron-distance *check*, Scandinavia *check*, Pirate *check", SOMETHING SPECIAL... Any more questions?
All this is reason enough not to do another rest year, nor a fourth Norseman (which I a done with, anyway) nor a second OXTRI (which may very likely still happen in the future).

So, there are 50 days left until LX317 - Lofoten Extreme Triathlon 2017. Seven weeks of concentration and enduring self-conquest. The Inner Soundtrack is collected but not yet published. Another task left. Busy times, but the path is paved. To those, who wish to follow: Off we go.  

Freitag, 31. März 2017

Meanwhile, in the south...

Woche 11. 130 km nördlich des Polarkreises findet die Erstausgabe des Lofoten Skimo statt, Auftakt zum ARCTIC TRIPLE 2017.
Zur gleichen Zeit, etwa 2.500 km weiter südlich:
Es schmeckt nach Frühling in Bielefeld. Kalt noch, windig, regnerisch zwar, aber eindeutig ist der Winter vorbei.
Also raus, raus, raus, aufs Rad! Hilft das Wetter doch bei der Lofoten-Simulation. Knapp 80 km mit 500 Höhenmetern. Könnte bequemer sein, der Samstag. Bin froh, dass er es nicht ist. Die Dinge bewegen sich...

Week 11. 130 km North of the Polar Circle, the first Lofoten Skimo takes place, kick-off to THE ARCTIC TRIPLE 2017.
Meanwhile, in the south, in Bielefeld, Germany:
It tastes like spring this Weekend. Still cold, windy, rainy though, but winter is definitely in defeat.
So get out of here, on your bike! Take the weather as a Lofoten Simulation and go. In the end it was 80 km with 500m Elevation. Could have been more comfy this Saturday, I´m glad it wasn´t. Things start to get moving...

Ah, for the cold, for the wind, for the rain...
Follow IM_Silverback on Instagram

Sonntag, 5. März 2017

Vom erweiterten Horizont und dem üblichen Gejammer

Rückblende: Es war einmal vor 13 Jahren, als ich aus einem schlimmen Motivationsloch heraus mich an der Hawaii-Lotterie beteiligte, nur damit mal etwas Spannendes passieren sollte. Die Folgen sind bekannt: Noch im selben Jahr stand ich auf einer Insel, so fern der Heimat, wie ich noch nie gewesen war, an der Startlinie eines Triathlons, der eindeutig in die "Once-in-a-lifetime"-Kategorie fällt, sie vielleicht sogar anführt.
Zurück ins Jetzt: Wenn ich meine Blogs mal so nachlese, ärgere ich mich über das ständige Gejammer zu Beginn jeder Saison über Übergewicht, schlechte Form, fehlende Motivation und die mitgelieferten Entschuldigungen. Schluss damit, verdammt! Ist einem ja selber peinlich, über Jahre immer dasselbe Selbstmitleid (oder hatte ich das 2015 auch schon geschrieben?)...
Wir sehen nach vorne: Trotz Übergewicht, vollkommener Motivationslosigkeit im Vorjahr (oh nein, ein Rückfall...!!) gibt es endlich wieder ein Wettkampfziel vom damaligen Kaliber.
Wieder geht es um Inseln, wieder möglicherweise nur einmal im Leben, wieder einmal wird der Horizont verschoben, dieses Mal nach Norden. Es geht zum Lofoten Extreme Triathlon, 130km nördlich des Polarkreises (nie war ich weiter im Norden als bis Trondheim). Ein Ziel, dass ein bisschen Selbstdisziplin auch bei der allgegenwärtigen Selbstdarstellung gut vertragen kann...
Also geht es jetzt, 2 Jahre nach dem Oppland Xtreme Triahlon 2015, an dieser Stelle weiter. Und, was soll ich sagen, Der Innere Soundtrack 2017 ist schon in Arbeit.

From Ashes To Arctic

Flashback: once upon a time, 13 years ago, caught in a deep hole of demotivation, I tried to enter the Kona lottery, just to make something happen. The known end of this story: right the same year I found myself on an island as far away from home as I had never been before, at the starting-line of a Triathlon race which dominates, or better defines, the "once-in-a-lifetime"-category.
Back to today: When I re-read my blogs from over the years, I really feel disturbed by all the wailing and moaning about overweight, lack of fitness or motivation and at the the same time a lot of excuses for all that. So here´s an end to that embarrassing self-pity (or wait, did I write this already in 2015...?)
Looking ahaed: in spite of overweight, lack of fitness (oh no, we had a relapse...!!) I do have another goal of that old size, at last. Again it´s all about islands, probably once in a lifetime, surely with a new horizon: we´re heading up north to the Lofoten Extreme Triathlon, 130km north of the Polar Circle (we have never been further north than Trondheim). A goal that will do well with a bit of self-discipline, even in terms of the usual self-display...
So now, 2 years after Oppland Xtreme Triathlon 2015, the story continues here. And, what shall I say, The Inner Soundtrack 2017 is already under construction.